Payment/Billing Terms and Conditions

Payment/Billing Terms and Conditions


Payment Methods:

We accept the following payment methods: credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), debit cards, and electronic bank transfers. All transactions are processed in USD (United States Dollars) unless otherwise specified.


Payment Security:

We prioritize the security of your payment information. All payment details provided during the checkout process are encrypted and transmitted securely using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology.


Order Confirmation:

Upon successful payment, you will receive an order confirmation email with the details of your purchase. Please ensure the accuracy of your contact information to receive timely updates regarding your order.



All product prices displayed on our website are in USD and are exclusive of any applicable taxes or shipping charges. The final purchase price will include the cost of the products, taxes (if applicable), and shipping fees (if applicable).


Sales Tax:

Sales tax will be applied to orders shipped to locations where sales tax is required by law. The exact amount of tax charged will be calculated based on the shipping address provided during the checkout process.


Shipping Fees:

Shipping fees will be applied to orders based on the selected shipping method and the delivery address provided during checkout. The shipping costs will be clearly displayed before you complete your purchase.


Return and Refund Policy:

For information on our return and refund policy, please refer to the separate "Return and Refund Policy" page on our website.



If you wish to cancel your order, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. Depending on the order status and processing stage, cancellation may be subject to certain conditions.


Automatic Renewals (Subscription Service, if applicable):

For customers subscribing to a recurring service, you will be automatically billed at the specified intervals until you cancel the subscription. You can manage your subscription and cancel auto-renewal through your account settings.


Contact Information:

For any payment or billing-related inquiries, please contact our customer support team at or call +1(888) 550-1319


Updates to Payment/Billing Terms:

We reserve the right to update or modify these Payment/Billing Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.


By completing a purchase on our website, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these Payment/Billing Terms and Conditions.